World-class eco-friendly bioremediation technology
The complex microbial agent consists of Novosphingobium sp. US6-1 strain and other microbial strains being able to degrade PAHs, saturates, aromatic, resin and asphaltene compounds, and cyclodextrin increasing the solubility of the hydrophobic oil components.
BJC’s product (Bioremedy) is blended with kinds of microorganisms having different functions.
Bioremedy demonstrates the excellent activity to decompose Resin, Asphaltene, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) as well as general oil components like saturates.
Established in 1973 as a marine development research institute affiliated with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) for the purpose of making Korea a maritime powerhouse.
In 2012, it was re-launched as the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST).
In 2003, as a national project, the development of source technology to purify aromatic compounds (oil pollutants) using marine microorganisms began (discovering and deciphering functional microorganisms among thousands of marine microorganisms).
In 2006, the original technology was completely transferred to BJC.
Since BJC has commercialized the country's original technology, it pays a portion of its profits to the government as a technology usage fee.
The Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, the original engineer, continues to support BJC together with the Safety Evaluation Research Institute.
BJC has a cooperative system with the above two organizations, and in the case of overseas projects, KIOST and KIT, the state-run agencies, jointly participate, increasing trust.