World-class eco-friendly bioremediation technology
Although Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam’s No. 1 city with a population of about 10 million, is experiencing a saturation, the peripheral region surrounding the city is contaminated by dioxin, which prevents growth of the city. If the contaminated soil of the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh city is cleaned up, a higher value-added business can be created amid expansion of the city.
If the dioxin remediation possibility is proved, the restoration fund of postwar Vietnam already reserved by UN becomes available to be used. Moreover, Vietnam is entitled to a claim for damages against the UT government and dioxin manufacturers. Therefore, the country will be able to accelerate the dioxin remediation project with the funds.
Vietnam ranks second in the world’s rice export market. As monitoring of residue amount of agricultural pesticides has been strengthened worldwide, rice cultivated on contaminated farmland cannot be exported. This threatens the livelihood and economy of farms.
Remediation of farmland using microorganisms is easy and efficient due to the characteristic of microorganisms. In addition, given the nature of rice that puts down roots only up to 20 centimeters, it needs to plow farmland down up to only about 50 centimeters. In this regard, the farms are able to conduct remediation work by themselves. Therefore, remediation of farmland can be completed only with supply of microorganism growth medium to the contaminated farmland and simple work.
In the future, BJC will establish its subsidiary in Vietnam, named BJC Vietnam(tentatively), which will be entitled to the right to develop and use the remediated sites. In addition, optional rights incidental to the soil remediation project could create added value.
ㆍSurroundings of the big city : New city (satellite city) development
ㆍAreas outside of the city : Forestry and farm business(Vietnam provides suitable environment for forestry and agricultural business because a tree can grow to a 20-year old tree(based on Korea) in Vietnam for only seven years.(National Forestry Cooperatives Federation speaks its mind to join the business.)
Resale of or direct participation in the optional rights above is expected to contribute to creation of added value.
Dioxin is a common name given to a group of persistent and very toxic chemicals, also known as dioxins and furans. The most toxic of these compounds is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
The exposures of humans and animals to PCDD/Fs at low levels have been linked with negative health effects such as the development of cancer, reproductive problems, immune alterations, disruption of hormones, etc. In addition, since dioxins are not degraded well in nature, it is expected to be difficult for the dioxins to be removed even after a considerable time. There are some methods for dioxin remediation, but most of them cause problems about cost, environmental and secondary contaminants.
For this reason, BJC Co. Ltd., KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology), and KIT (Korea Institute of Toxicology) have developed bioremediation strategies for remediation of dioxin contaminated soil. BJC dioxin treatment technique has advantages in terms of cost effectivity, complete degradation without secondary contaminant, in situ & on field remediation.
Period: 2016-2017
Region: Alui, Vietnam
Purification Target : Confirmation of dioxin remediation potential
Highest pollution level : 100,000ppt or more
Remediation result : average remediation of 161.91 ppt to 104.93 ppt