World-class eco-friendly bioremediation technology
UN and FAO also the majority of countries all around the world have been promoting a variety of actions for sustainable soil conservation and Environmental problem through policy support, establishment strategies and intergovernmental cooperation
Exclusive Biodegradation technology of
non-degradable compounds.
BJC Co., Ltd. is the only company in the world that can degrade Global issue, Environmental problem
Certified by Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea
Oil contamination-degrading microorganisms and bioremediation technology transferred from Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST)
Exclusive microbial technology and multiple patents
Possession of exclusive remediation products, technology & consulting related to oil, including oil-producing countries
Possession of Exclusive oil sludge remediation products, technology & consulting
Verification of various commercial & industrial remediation technologies
Successful technology reference of various remediation projects & Business(Soil, Offshore, Sludge, Oil recovery, Dioxin, VOCs)
Provides reasonable remediation price proposal and consulting
Provides specific targeting remediation project execution plan
Exclusive product and technology that can be applied even in high temperatures in the Middle East
Possible to remediate soil contaminated with all existing types of oil including Type 5 and sludge
Possess incomparable remediation ability compared to the existing bioremediation method
No environmental issues